Who We Are

We are a group of academic researchers and volunteers from MIT, Stanford and other universities around the world who are interested in alternative analytical methods to measure bitcoin adoption. We officially launched in January 2021 but have spent 2020 putting the pieces together for this project. The financial sector often uses the bitcoin price or the market cap of bitcoin as the bell weather barometer, but we believe that those metrics do not capture a lot of what is happening at the retail consumer level. Similar to how inflation calculations involve actual researchers going to local supermarkets to record the price of a basket of goods, we believe the same needs to be measured for bitcoin adoption.

We want to provide a third party source for media and publications to refer to for bitcoin ATM market size statistics. Unlike other websites that are obligated to promote specific companies over others due to biases, whether from sponsorship, advertisers or investors, “How Many Bitcoin ATMs” runs solely on donations and is a pending 501(c)(3) organization.

Many of the existing sites that cover the bitcoin ATM landscape seem rife with conflicts of interest. Just like banks have a “Chinese wall” separating their advisory and research businesses, we believe this must exist in the bitcoin ecosystem as well.

After all it is hard for consumers to have any trust in the information when every bitcoin ATM manufacturer or operator claims they are #1. We find that hard to believe, and will avoid making any claims like that. We believe the data speaks for itself. Anyone can use our data as they see fit.

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